Monday, January 7, 2013

new year's eve tradition again

In Japan there is the tradition that you go to a shrine to have your omikuji.
This is a fortune teller.

So I bought mine...
and seems that this is good! Youpi!!!!
if not you put it like that on a plant or a tree.
and then it will be burned I think.
there is also the wish. So people are queuing to make their wish (I have done it too :-))
In some shrine you have this circle, first you cross from the right and then the left and then you g to do your wish.
This is the way to do the wish:
put money, ring the bell
bow 2 times and clap your hands 2 times
make your wish and bow again, and then wait that your wish comes true!!! (that's the longer part!!!)

and after that some recomfort, macha tea with ginger!!!