Tuesday, October 29, 2013

a few weeks ago

a few weeks ago I was at the Zaisan memorial
This is a small hill where you have a great view of the city!
This eagle is not free he belongs to a guy that takes pictures with it.

and from there you can see the city in all directions or almost!
And what you see is that there are a lot of constructions going on!!!
This is the view of the Buddha now surrounded by buildings :-(
There is a memorial at the top of the hill
This is the river view with autumn's colors now gone...
And in the memorial you have a lot of paintings explaining the history of Mongolia
You can see the communist period too
and other things that I cannot explain :-(

 and if you are lucky a very nice sunset!
and a last view of the city, with so many buildings now and everyday there are new ones coming out of the ground, incredible!!!
But this also mean a lot of dust and noise from the construction for the moment...