Monday, April 21, 2014

the perfect day for the horse air ceremony!!!

Last Saturday was the day, according to the official calendar, for the horse air ceremony.
First you buy some flags. The green one is the one for my year: meaning the rabbit year, it has an horse air, my name and age on it.
This is to have everything good (health, money, family, …)
The 2nd flag is common for everybody this is to chase the demons away.
You buy it at a religious store
Then you have to put your banner to an high point in order to have your horse air flying!
So we went to a mountain near UB
And there, there is still snow (it was snowing last week)!
And how surprise, there was Violet Pulsatilla vulgaris also called forget easter lilies, which are flowers growing in the snow and particularly during easter!
There was so many of them, so nice!!!!
Then we put our banner in this ovo, or near it in order to have the horse air flying and to have a great year!
My banner is in here :-)
Of course there is a ceremony there, you pray to tell your wishes, you offer rice, milk and vodka.
And we were very lucky because the owner of the ovo (a crow) came right after the ceremony, this will be even more a better year!
Then another mongolian tradition is to eat 7 of these flowers, after that you won't get throat sickness the next winter, which is actually a plus in Mongolia, because winters are very hard and I am always sick…
So we will see!!!
About the taste, this is very spicy !!!! Burning everything inside
Actually this flower is an antiseptic used in traditional medicine!
And as I said, there was snow there at the mountain :-)
Now I am sure this year will be great with no sickness!