Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Who said that Japan is expensive???

Today a big review of all I am eating for almost nothing!!!!
First this is the persimmon  season, youpi I love it!!!
I mix it with some yogurt, I have at least 3 dessert, for about 40 cents!

I also found some chocolate paste, very good, for 80 cents!
And this is a classic of course!
with that 3 meals, each meal 50 cents!
of course you can tell me this is almost nothing what you eat
So I also buy some already prepared meals, bento
But there is a trick in Japan if you go from about 7pm in supermarket then they discount because they don't keep it!
Here 20% and 30 off, this full meal was  2.5 euros!
And the winner, some great, fresh sushis for .....2.5 euros!
Common where do you find that somewhere else?
And the list can go on!

So don't come and tell me that Japan is expensive, not for everything!!!!!