Saturday, December 15, 2012

Last days in Tokyo

So our last days in Tokyo were visit, visit, visit!
This is the Tokyo tower, my parents went upstairs, I stayed downstairs!
And after that Akihabara, the electric city!
this is a place in Tokyo were they sell all kinds of electric goods
So this is full of lights and noise
but very different from what we have in europ!
I like this view!
But after that we needed to go back to France a little bit!
So direction vie de France cafe for hot chocolates and pain au chocolat and other delicious things!
The next day we went near Asakusa to see where they sell the fake plastic food and you see at the entrance of every restaurant
This is really impressiv
So much and so realistic!
And that was also the only day where it was raining a bit, otherwise lucky all the time!
This is a more traditional restaurant
and of course some good food for lunch!
Now I'm back to Fukuoka, my parents have still one day in Tokyo and then back to France.
This was a great time, a lot of visit, lunches and 4 o'clock breaks!